Check out this facebook video.
If you know the source of this video in Youtube, let me know.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
早上起來,打算早一點到車上取回聖經及日記簿靈修。走出客廳,看到鄭秀文(Sammi) Faith CD set。說來也奇怪,已經超過十年沒有買流行曲,但我知道因著她生命的改變,她的歌會不一樣。今早看到這CD set,想起自己從沒把那DVD打開,也就趁去洗澡的時間放一放吧,我原本是這樣的想的。神卻有他的心意,只要我們願意的話。我看了她演繹第一首歌時,很大的感動湧進我心,很奇怪,我發現淚水在臉上流。
第二首歌是「罪與罰」,我由流淚到跪在地上;如你是弟兄姊妹,你會明白這是什麼意思。我很感恩,一些片段不停湧現;我想起二年前在合一禱告祭壇為媒體的禱告、想起那些呼喊、想起當時的微小的信心。一點一滴,不經意的充滿了我的心思意念。天父,you are amazing. 我是何等的微小,你竟這麼的讓我去經歷。
什麼是敬拜?牧者昨天還再一次提醒: 敬拜不是只在某一個形式、某一個特定的時間。生命與神相接時,就是敬拜。
“Father, I praise you Lord, I praise you. Your love is far beyond everything on earth. Your eyes never leave us and we love us like your child. Father, how thankful I am to be your child and drill in your presence. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, (Psalm 16:9) 因 此 我 的 心 歡 喜 、 我 的 靈 快 樂 . 我 的 肉 身 也 要 安 然 居 住 。”
2010/1/30 (陽光明媚的早上)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Love this song.. and the talent of the youth!
This song was created by an University student (Katherine), somehow I knew through a Joint-U prayer network. Lord, thank you so much for listening our prayers -- may a new generation be raised up and use their talents to make an impact in the world!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tough times never last
Gone through some really difficult times last week.
When I shared it with my sisters in the cell group this Sat, I am surprised to realized that the bleeding has stopped and I am really move on -- with the strength and abundant love from Lord. Because of this love, I could love others and even someone who has hurt us. The hard times are simply preparation for the better days ahead.
While I am corresponding the care from a good friend this morning, somehow this song came up.
When I shared it with my sisters in the cell group this Sat, I am surprised to realized that the bleeding has stopped and I am really move on -- with the strength and abundant love from Lord. Because of this love, I could love others and even someone who has hurt us. The hard times are simply preparation for the better days ahead.
我 們 四 面 受 敵 、 卻 不 被 困 住 . 心 裡 作 難 、 卻 不 至 失 望 . 遭 逼 迫 、 卻 不 被 丟 棄 . 打 倒 了 、 卻 不 至 死 亡 . 哥 林 多 後 書 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
While I am corresponding the care from a good friend this morning, somehow this song came up.
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians, 12:9)
Thank you father.
Short Documentary: Food, Taste and Hunger
Truly moved my heart and such a great reminder of the meaning of food and taste:
View this movie at
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