Saturday, May 19, 2007

Defeated but not shaken - a blessed week

Having a Flu is not fun, in particular when you have lots of urging issues in mind.
In the previous week, my flesh kept struggling to recover and spirit is also in a 'battle' mode.

Sat, 12 May 2007 evening at 萬國殯儀館 Funeral Home

One day before the Mother's Day, I was in a memorial service for a respected senior who passed away at the age of 92. He left the earth with five grown sons and daughters with one is my teacher in College and now colleague in the University. I joined six other Christian staff members of the University to form the singing group on that day. It was really a moving scene. We are all not professional worship team members and yet Lord's blessings had been fell abundantly among the hall. This is the song we sang :



副) 愛慕到達主跟前,渴慕救主引牽。

Throughout the whole service, I saw love radiated from the sons and daughters of this great man. Some of them are Christians and therefore knew that this was only a temporary separation and they shall see each other in heaven one day. How grateful for having a parent who are willing to accept Lord and his salvation before leaving this earth. I couldn't imagine the stunning joy that one day my old father accepts Jesus in his life. Until then, death is no longer something dare to scare.

Sun, 13 May 2007 Dinner at home with family members

I was already quite sick on Sunday morning and had to leave the church earlier for visiting a Doctor. After resting for a few hours, I made myself ready to take the 3 hours round trip in having dinner back home with my family members. Mother's day has quite different meaning for my family and I am glad that I got Lord's touch on that evening.

Mon, 14 May 2007 evening Joint-U prayers gathering at Kwai Fong

I received the same message over and over lately : prayer is important but we do not come and only pray for particular agenda. Rather, pray to be close to Lord. To pray for his heart on us. I was so glad to have opportunities praying with 馬師母. Her heart for the younger generation touched upon me.

Tue, 15 May 2007 evening ; Cell group at church

Never did we experience such a long worship with prayers for particular cell group members and the whole group. It's truly great in seeing brothers and sisters are all breaking different kinds/levels of bondages and having spiritual growth in Lord. Father Lord, I thank you for leading all the brothers and sisters in the cell ! You are our cell group leader, Lord. Keep leading and shaping us like Jesus Lord.

Wed, 16 May 2007 evening; prayer at a home cell near campus

I have to confess that the recent issue happened in a local campus did bother me a lot. There are feelings (frustration and angers) that I don't want to have, and yet I couldn't make my heart stop bleeding whenever the media talks about the issue. Felt defeated physically by the flu and then was tugged at the heartstrings, I knew that I need to find someone to share. I made 3-4 phone calls to different sisters but at no avail. Either the phone couldn't get through, forwarded to the voice mail or not available, I was thinking about to give up. Finally, without knowing my close friend was having a cell and prayer gathering at her apartment (walking distance from the University!), I joined them and had great time. We shared and prayed for the University campuses, for the youth, for the justices and for Lord's hearts on us. Father Lord, you are faithful. You really are, even at our weakest moment.

Thu, 17 May 2007 evening; Bible study at the nearby Bible College

At certain point of your life, you will experience something like me : share your mission with a burning heart and yet your listener gave you chilling water from head to toe.
I had this experience in the afternoon. Started getting irritated and then frustrated -- how come Christians couldn't have the same heart for Lord. And then I remember Jesus' teaching -- Love other as yourself. Humble yourself. I used to be a person who always want to discuss, more often to expostulate, when came up with different views. After attending the worship and bible study in the evening, a new heart starts to grow. "Even if you are right, couldn't you still willing to be discouraged just for Christ sake?" In more colloquial Cantonese "比人冷水? 係米唔淋得先?" Yes Lord, you are far more important.
"Revival is not a person's issue. If you are wishing to see revival on your own, there must be something wrong. " Message got back from the Bible College. Yes Lord, I want to know your heart, not my heart. Do not let my thoughts run before you.

Fri, 18 May 2007 evening; Sick and rest at home (Youth Pastors and leaders prayer gathering at Tsim Sha Tsui)

The weather was getting a bit weird. In this mid-May, you would all of a sudden got 30 Degree Celsius in the day time with temperature like hot summer. For someone like us who needs to getting in and out places with air-conditioning, it required a strong body. The differences between two could be around 10 degree celsius. When I went out for lunch under the sun bath, I nearly collapsed within10 minutes. Subsequently, I couldn't talk much during the whole lunch. Not that I didn't want to but I couldn't. While the immune system still weak, it's quite a challenge dealing with this temperature game. I finally needed to stay home and rest after work instead of take the 1-hour ride to Tsim Sha Tsui. No doubt, the monthly prayer gathering is something I looked forward to. However, to keep myself moving, I need rest. At least before the body temperature raised up like last week.

Sat, 19 May 2007 afternoon from 3:00pm - 6:00pm; rehearsal for the worshipers for the Hong Kong Global Day of Prayer.

Three hours rehearsal is not easy and our voice may not be perfect and yet simply by the rehearsal, I could feel Lord's presence. I also thank Lord for making our cell group for the first time to serve him together. Thank you Lord.

This is the week. It's near 1:30am now. Better stop here or else the flu may come again like last week. Just another 7 hours, it's Sunday Services at church.

Physically defeated and yet spiritually blessed.
A blessed week, it really is.

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