Monday, May 28, 2007

Shower us Lord...on the Global Day of Prayer - Sun, 27 May 2007

In this Global Day of Prayers, millions of Christians from 203 nations prayed together for Lord's kingdom on earth and on this place. For this year, about 15 brothers and sisters in my church joined as the worshipers and seated on the back of the stage to form the logo of "Cross" and "H.K."

We arrived the venue shortly before 11:00am. Within 1 hour, we saw more than 500 Christians from various age groups started to get to the venue for the preparation work. Our worship team rehearsed for 60-90 minutes during the time with strongest sunlight of the mid day and then dismissed for a break until 2:40pm. With everything ready, the ceremony would commence at 3:00pm. We saw people started filling the Hong Kong Stadium from 2:00pm.

It was 2:30pm while we were waiting for going back to the seats. By then, it started to rain. No, it started to pour. Rather than caring about where to sit or how to avoid getting wet, a few sisters and myself started to pray and I was sure lots of others did the same thing at the same time.

Not being discouraged, we found that Christians were somehow voluntarily formed in different groups in circle and ....... started worshiping with Joy while outside was .... pouring!!!! The whole corrdinators were filled with praise and worship. It was a moving scene. Our group then moved near the back of the stage and started singing "Lord I leave your name on High". Lord touched me to lead the prayer : "Lord, This is your day. We came here to worship you, even in burning sunshine or pouring rains. We came here simply to worship you. We are not the team of worshipers just started be with you while we are on the stage. We worship you in our daily life! No matter what happen, we worship you because you are the Almighty one who deserve it." It was wonderful. Tears filled our eyes. When the time was around 3:00pm, I saw the worship teams (I guess around 500 of us) started getting back to our seats, while it was still raining hard. We were basically wet with umbrella, no to mention those without one. When I went back to my seat, I saw the young lady behind me was shivering and yet her brother sitting next to her even dare to carry an umbrella. The organizer then sent us the disposable rain coats and then the ceremony commenced.

Shifting from sun burn to wet in rain for a few hours, it was far from physical comfort and yet we were so strong in spirit. Sitting in the middle of the Stadium and facing with thousands of Christians sang together -- how enchanting.

Lord, this is your day. This is your day.

There may be people who queried about why it rained
but we never.

This is because we know that our Lord is the one who
transcend the weather. So as our pure heart.

Thank you for developing our faith, Lord. We love you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer,

無意發現了你的 Blog ,看完一篇又一篇的文章,心裡十分感動,口裡不得不感謝神的改變和奇妙。感受到老師你被神大大的呼召,在嶺南傳揚神的褔音,讓更多學生,甚至老師,校長也要得到這寶貴的禮物,讓破碎的心靈再次得到釋放和醫治。這工作看來得不易,但深信在神裡沒有難成的事,Amen!而且深信神已為你預備很多的同路人一起領受同一異象,在校園裡一起作光作鹽!儘管,今天我已離開了學院,在polyu 讀緊AD year 1,但我也樂意成為你們背後的守望者,為嶺南整個的屬靈氣氛祈禱,深信眾人的禱告就是力量!加油!Never Give Up!

Zoe (Soo Yen Yee)上年 Pre AD 畢業

Jennifer Lee said...

Hi Zoe: Good to hear from you and know that you are doing fine. I didn't really tell my students about this site and therefore it's a great surprise (and encouragement) in reading your message here. Students' development are always my prime concern. Thanks for your comforting message and I wish you all the best in your 'mission field' too. Remember, Lord sent us to a place for a reason.