Sunday, July 15, 2007


(This post was written in a rush. It's 2:30am and I have to leave HK in a few hours.)

Met a few great friends again and I am glad that we are all serving the same Lord. The situation is like we are all serving an international company and more importantly under the same 'boss' which has branches everywhere in the world. The only difference is this boss is not only a boss but a father, a wonderful friend and awesome creator of the world !!

Schedule is still a bit intense but it's truly great in seeing these 'colleagues' in my home town :

Tom from America, an old friend and ex-colleague in Lingnan visited HK for 4 days. We met when he started being the English Tutor here in Lingnan in 2000. Somehow I was surprised when I looked at some old pictures today: we actually appeared in the same function back in 1998 while he was on exchange programme to Hong Kong. We don't even know we will be good friends by then!!!! He is now serving Church in Chicago and going to do some work in Manila, Philippine. Decided to stop over Hong Kong for a few days and asked me to accompany him in visiting his previous students in Mainland.

I burst into tears this morning when I heard Jiaoyang talked about how she would love to serve Lord for the people in University in Canada. We met in Hong Kong during her 3-year study and had enjoyed a great summer together in a Guangzhou University. After spending another 5 years in the States, she is heading to a new life in Edmonton, Canada. Like the email I wrote her, somehow we are so connected. I visited her last year in Yale on my trip to the two Christian conferences in UC San Diego and San Jose. Physically we are far but with God, we are close in heart.

Three women (Wendy, Marisa from 24-7 USA and myself) had a wonderful time, sharing and praying, outside the Canteen of Student Residence Hall at Baptist University late tonight. Yeah, Gateway Camp is coming. They helped in setting up the 24-hour prayer room for the Camp.

Lives..... all these people are the architects of soul following the same Master !!!! Isn't it awesome?

All these people travel, temporary stay from one place to the other. If it wasn't Lord, who can make such an arrangement !!!

Heading to the Korea Prayer Mountain tomorrow for 8 days.
Another stage for me again, no doubt about it.

Lord, I just ask for one thing : to be focus in You.

Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel.


Anonymous said...

We are so fortunate to be selected as honor "employees" serving the Lord. We are motivated to serve Him, as He loved us first.

Jennifer Lee said...

Can't agree more... Jiaoyang !!