Monday, November 05, 2007

Jesus in University Dormitory !

Jesus in University Dormitory !

Praise the Lord, thank you for all the intercessors who love Campuses and had been kept praying for campuses. Here's a brief note about the two gatherings on 30 and 31 Oct.

Prayer at Students Floor on 30 Oct 2007 night

The prayer meeting at 7/F on Tue, 30 Oct was organized by the Campus Crusade for Christ and about 15 brothers and sisters got together at the lobby of 7/F, Hall F and prayed for Lingnan, Hong Kong and the Nations. Lord is amazing. No doubt people have been kept mentioning about having open Christian gatherings in the hostel for long but seems like the right time has yet to come. I had this in my vision and so excited in seeing it's Lord who made this happened. Apart from being excited in seeing Lord's presence in University Dormitory, I also learned a lot from brothers and sisters of Campus Crusade for Christ for the way they organized prayer meeting. It's just so well-organized and prepared. The gathering filled with prayers, Lord's words and then ended with the reminder of the Great Commission. (Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival)

Prayer gathering at 8/F on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 night

More than 25 brothers and sisters gathered at 8/F of Hall F for one reason : to lift up Jesus on 31 Oct. Like those 7000 people Lord prepared in Israel, this group of brothers and sisters chose not to bow down to Baal as well. They all came to the prayer meeting, not because they did not have anything to do. Rather, they chose deliberately not to love the earthy things but the heavenly father. (John 15:19, 1 John: 2:15). They are from different hostels, different churches, different denominations, different organizations (Lingnan Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ) and even different Colleges (City University and HKIVE). They came for one reason, one very simple reason : To lift up Lord in his place.

Alumni of Lingnan (Sam !!!) came all the way from Hong Kong Island to join the meeting by taking 3-4 hours on the road. Yuky and Ted prepared a lot for the night. Our heavenly father saw every one of us there. I am sure how pleased he is in seeing how we love the campus like the way he does.

United -- just be united in Christ for his work and his kingdom ! We do not lift up people but JESUS for he is the truth, the life and the way.

Check out the video :

Father, we didn't sing well and yet you don't court on our abilities but our heart for you, Lord. Thank you Lord.
Father, it is YOU who makes us together. It is YOU who teach us how to love the people and our places. Thank you Lord. We love you Lord.

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