Sunday, March 09, 2008

I love Lingnan -- Morning prayers at Wing On Plaza

Friday, 7 March 2008

While I only arrived home at around midnight on Thursday for a hostel function, I immediately went on to the preparation work for the next morning. (which technically is 9 hours later) However, there's a regular prayer meeting of LU starts at 8:00am. "Lord, if I join the prayer meeting, I have to get up at 6:30pm to read the materials of the Lecture again. I probably wouldn't have enough time to do it after the prayer meeting. Lord, I only got a couple of hours sleep and I am...... just tired." If I join the prayer meeting, will I end up with an unsettled mind ? I worried.

Well, at certain parts of your Christian life, you probably have to take the courage to GO AHEAD and be rest sure things would be alright. I did. Praise the Lord that I did. I did get some preparation in the morning and then headed to Wing On Plaza to join the prayer meeting at 8:00am.

Once you settled in Lord's presence, you will realize your worry is unnecessary.
I settled down with other great prayer partners at LU.
Simply by closing my eyes, I smelt the greens and heard the birds -- such a great reminder for Lord's creation. Yes, Lord is here. Lord is here in Lingnan and this is the place HE created.
Thanks Zoe's arrangement, we could settled down on the floor with the refreshing green tea. The bible verses of Psalm 23 appeared in the paper alongside with the lyrics of worship songs for the day. It just reminded me of those great moments in US, UK and Australia -- outdoor, living with life and passion. Somehow I then realized myself praying in English --
Oh Lord, yes, this is your place and your temple. Our worship is your temple. Lord, open the eyes of our heart so that we can see you. Lord, we would like to have the heart of Jesus. Lord, lead us how to use time wisely for those things that last forever, not those that seems urging but will disappear one day. Lord, there're so many things/appointments/meetings/gatherings etc etc filled up my scheduler. It has hindered me from spending time to develop the relationship with those beloved brothers and sisters in LU, in my cell and in the church. Lord, sorry, I feel sorry. Lord, teach me and take my heart -- so that I could passion for the life of others like great mentor Jesus.

Thank you Zoe, just right after I finished the prayer, you asked me to read out the Psalm 23 in English. (WoW. Our spirit just so connected throughout the prayer gathering.)

Zoe, Esther, Siu-chu, Yuky, Shan, Woo, Ryan, Zero, Bruce and Ted -- It's great to have prayer partners who love Lingnan like you guys!

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