Saturday, April 19, 2008

Uproot, tear down and re-build -- Rough period in April

Uproot, tear down and re-build -- Rough period in April

過去七天,由痛到劇痛到起起伏伏再回到原處,實在是一個很大的爭戰。真的感謝弟兄姊妹的代禱及神的帶領。星期三開始把所有課堂都取消了,全心在家養病。 現在狀態大至回復,回想過去,很多東西不知從何說起。


1. 能有一個沒有痛苦的身體去敬拜神是很值得珍惜。(我終於明白教會中坐著輪椅全身都不能動彈不得都來敬拜神是怎麼樣的一回事,也明白什麼是真正在苦痛中仍敬拜神,可真不是容易的。)

2. Lord is doing his work-- to uproot, tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant on my life. (Jeremiah, 1:10). He is the Almighty and the one who in charge of everything!


Photo: Taken in Gold Coast, Tuen Mun, April 2008

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