Friday, October 27, 2006

Second Prayer Gathering at the roof (Short Wing) of Student Hostel at LU

Thu, 25 October 2006

The Chinese soup first nurtured our health before we moved onto the fellowship and prayers tonight.

Both King (Year 1 English) and Ted (Year 3 BBA) shared their current struggles at home/relationships with the older generation. It was such a moving and supporting scene – though we may only get together for a limited times, a rapport already developed. We prayed for the specific needs of each of us, in particular the situation that King mourns. Praying for the Lingnan University campus is our key focus – we first prayed for Lord’s strength to make us fully in him and first seek for his kingdom on the campus revival.

Somehow, Cheng (Year 1 English) followed the holy spirit to pray for Lord’s forgiveness on the upcoming Halloween parties to be organized at different hostels. We also admitted our sins and prayed for Lord’s blessings over the others. Purity on campuses is one of the strongholds and getting through will for sure be a breakthrough on campus revival.

After the prayers, we somehow got the similar message – to have praise and worship at an open area (the balcony that connects two hostels outside my apartment) on Tue, 31 Oct while the parties are held in different hostels. It’s just an awesome idea!

Lord is really moving us to his way. I still remember in the Joint-U Break & Burn Camp last year, we all received a message that one day people in Lingnan will have praise and worship in Open Areas! Thank you Lord for giving us to see your work here and may all the Glories be with you.

The Prayer Team : King, Ted, Cheng, Zoe, Sam and Jennifer


Anonymous said...


why am i "cheng" XD

yeah i pray for a supernatural, spiritual bond to connect us TOGETHER

God is good all the time
all the time God is good (haha jaeson)

Jennifer Lee said...

Cos I don't know how to write your name in English and guess "Cheng" is the closest pronounciation :D