Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday morning with Lord

Friday is good because we first wake up and praise the Lord as early as 8.

Praise Lord for giving us the opportunity to get together and pray for the needs of College students at the Heart of the campus. Today is particular special as we had a brother coming all the way from Junk Bay to Tuen Mun (waking up at 6) in sharing with us the missions he and a group of Christians got from Lord on campus movement. We had a great discussion for more than 2 hours at the Canteen after the prayer gathering at Wing On Plaza.

Personally, I got a few reflective thoughts throughout the whole prayer gathering and the subsequent discussion about the upcoming work on campus:

1. We should first lift up nobody but our Lord -- I started wondering what I am doing now is lifting up my own name. I then thinking of whether I should remove my own introduction in this blog or invite other staff members who shared the same mission that "Jesus Love College students" to join the site. I still have no concrete idea and therefore I should keep it in prayers. If you are reading this and have ideas from Lord, please share your thoughts with me in the "Comments" section.

2. Stragtegy could be implemented throughout the campus work via prayers -- During the whole presentation by this brother from Junk Bay (nameless, as what he wants to be), I realized Lord has first given us this great blessing. The thoughts of Day of Prayer on campus and the Thanks-giving day are marvellous as they are the key components in bringing Christ to campus.
3. Lord sent me here to work at the Community College at LU and I kept seeking for his words and kingdom here. In the previous months, while I find myself couldn't connect the Christians colleagues for regular meetings or gatherings, I got lost. Isn't Lord's will be on campus? How come not even Christians are willing to get together and pray for his kingdom? How come people are always somehow being occupied by different kinds of activities while there will be a set prayer gathering? While at times I look around and couldn't find staff members who also love this University? I kept asking and even reached a frustration point. Until last week, I was kind of collapsed and then kneed down in front of Lord.
"You shouldn't go faster than Lord's timing and work. " words came up from my cell group leader's mouth were such a wake-up call. Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls;For my yoke is good, and the weight I take up is not hard. (Matthew 11:29-30). How true is that! I then asked for forgiveness from Lord and his guidance to bring me back to his pace, not my pace.

This morning, while during the prayers, I envisioned Lord has already put forward his heart among the staff members of the Community College far before me. While a brother is praying for Lord's works on the students and Professors in the Philosophy department saying that it's difficult for people with this background difficult in following Christ, I then recalled there is a committed brother in my unit. He is also a scholar in Philosophy and yet loves Lord. It is not that incompatiable. Following this line of thought, I then realized Lord has already put forward at least FIVE committed Christian teaching staff members in my unit AND most important of all, they are exactly the FIVE key core subject areas that every CC student requires to take! They are from five respective teams: English, Chinese, IT/Maths and General Education. Isn't it miracle? I was so moved when this message came into my mind this morning during prayers: of course I know them well and even have prayer gatherings with them and yet this thought never come up to me. Lord really has made his work ready before what we could think and imagine of. ( Ephesians 3:20)

No doubt that there are still lots of struggles in our daily life like the negative thought or insufficient faith, we should have to develop our faith like the grain of a mustard seed so that even we say to the tree "Be root up and planted in the sea; and it would be done." (Luke 17:6)

May Lord blesses us and may his kingdom be in Lingnan University and other campuses in HK and the rest of the world.

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