Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Who moves our heart"

Nov 2006
Hong Kong
Who moves our heart?

Praise the Lord for he is the one whom transforms life. Self empowerment has long been my area of interests. Probably due to the struggles throughout childhood, I basically didn't ever stop seeking for the personal enhancement throughout my adolescence and young adulthood. Dale Carnegie was the first person that awaken my mind towards interpersonal relationship by his best selling book "How to win friends and influence people". I was fantasted by the way he could understand life. (of course that was before I encountered with someone even more powerful -- our Lord!) Subsequently, I then read further on the books by other motivational writers like Napoleon Hill and Lau Yung (劉墉). The first time get to know Robert Schullar was in 1996 while I was having short stay in America. The title of the book is eye-catching "Tough times never last but tough people do". I took the book home that day. Well, partly because I found this in the second hand bookstore and it only cost US$1 ! (Man, imagine a book with 350 pages !)
Tonight, 10 years later, I got the chance in attending seminar by this renowned motivational speaker. It was once an exciting moment for me as I finished reading his other book "Prayer: my soul's adventure with God" during my short vacation in Shanghai in 2004 and got aspired. Seems like meeting him in person would be such a great encounter. However, Lord has already transformed me. Not that I don't like his ideas. The difference now is I have Jesus in my heart. Still remember a brother mentioned to me a few days ago: what's more important in a function? Is that the fame of the speaker or is that because the presence of Jesus Christ?
Wow, wake-up call.
Throughout the whole seminar, people clapped their hands loud whenever the name of people was called upon, when human being's titles or works being recognized. The powerpoint slides in the testimony were full of famous names or organizations and how powerful a human being could be. I started couldn't sit still on my seat. I felt like something that I once longed for was no longer there. When the speaker said : Do you know what's the most important thing on earth? "Lord!” It came out of my mouth. Sadly, it was "the power within yourself that you could make a change!" said the speaker.

After that, I left my seat.
While I was outside the auditorium, I thought of one word: changes!

The claps from others used to matter to me a lot but not anymore. This is the first time I felt like I got so much outside a conference centre-- not the thing I would do but the thing I would not/should not do anymore. This is like..... abandon your old self? Without such attendance, I didn't realized I had move a bit closer to Lord. Through it may seems a long way coming over for just joining it for an hour, I still got great discussion with a colleague as well as a sister in Christ. "The greatest thing I got tonight is from the discussion we had on the ride and over dinner" I told my colleague before I left the venue. Now, I couldn't stop and ask :

Who moves our heart?

The earthly great men or the creator behind these great men?

First written : 7 Nov 2006
Revised : 14 Nov 2006

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