Thursday, January 25, 2007

Connecting the neighbors for Lord's kingdom on University Campus

Thu, 25 January 2007

Praise the Lord for he is the almighty.
This is the first teaching week after the long term-break. Teaching tasks, course preparation, programme coordination, preparation work for greeting the new exchange students and other hostel issues had stuffed the scheduler. And yet, thank you Lord for his blessings is always that abundant.

The Chaplain's office sent out email informing all members of staff and students about the bible study class on every Thursday evening starting from 25 January 2007. Have to admit that there was struggle before the attendance. It always seems too many things to complete but too little time can be used. However, I will not forget the teaching – everything in us are from Lord, including our work and our time. Yes, Lord, you are our creators.

Lord’s blessings are always far beyond one can imagine. Even right at the beginning of the worship, I was so moved. Lingnan is the place where I work, I live and I belong for the previous 10 years. While I can imagine students are killing their times by playing cards, on-line games or majhong in the hostel nearby, I realized songs filled the Chapel and our praise and worship were not only within the scene but flowed out the whole area. This is particularly moving: my office is right next to the Chapel (I could see it through my window) and the dormitory that I live is the closest one to the Chapel too. Imagine the thankfulness one could have when the place you love was filled with Lord's spirt. How grateful of seeing Lord’s glory to be on earth and on these particular area of Lingnan! This is the first time praises and worship were among the areas from the University Chapel! Really praise the Lord!

The bible study class is jointly organized by the Chaplain’s Office and the Ecclesia Bible College. The Bible College was right across the road of Lingnan and therefore we are basically neighbors. During the class, Rev Yeung told us an amazing news – When Lingnan was first setup in Mainland China, Lingnan was also right next to the then Ecclesia Bible College! How miracle!

The speaker for tonight is Dr Yeung Tin-yan, Professor in the Bible College. He shared with us on the topic of growth in Christ based on Chapter one of Philippians. We have to remember that the reason why we want to grow is not for ourselves but “let the Christ be always exalted in our body’. (Phillippians, 1:20) This means not that WE, ourselves, to be exalted but Lord, our Jesus Christ, be exalted through us. How can we do that? We have to let ourselves filled with the fruit of righteousness. (Phillippians, 1:11) Dr Yeung defined the righteousness with the “Ought to be” in Lord. We came here not only for the bible but have to know our almighty Lord and to act like Jesus Christ. Therefore, we have to repent: not that we are not attending sufficient bible classes but whether we are submissive to let Lord's work or not. People of this generation get used to rely everything on ourselves. This is the challenge that Lord has sent us tonight – to submit ourselves to him. While it seems intimidating in making changes and growth, read Apostle Paul's words in the bible: “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who begins a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phillippians, 1:4-6) Dr Yeung reminded us : what can one ask for when Lord said : “Lord will carry us to do his work until the day of Christ Jesus!”

Thank you father Lord, for your love on us, on Lingnan and the College students of this generation. Thank you for connecting your servants here on earth. May your work be done in Lingnan, in Ecclesia Bible College, in Tuen Mun, in Hong Kong and in all nations of the world! Amen.

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