Friday, February 23, 2007

World Mission

Based on the reading notes marked at the margin, this book was first read in 2002. Probably my spiritual development was still at its primative stage by then, I didn't have much impression.

Until recently, I finished the book for one more time. (Not sure whether I should thank for the flu that focuses me to stop work and stay in bed to rest and to read) . Wow, it just opened up my eyes.

Let me try to capture a few important thoughts that I had throughout the reading :

1. This brother truly has fixed his eyes on Lord's calling. After the first Christian training at early age, he kept having John Haggai's question clinging in ears "One thing.... by God's grace you have to do one thing." (P.33) His heart has burden with the lost souls in Asia (India, Burma, Nepel and Thailand) and have witnessed lots of native missionaries in the field where gospel is unreached.

2. to be continued.

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