Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lord raises up different people in Hong Kong

Attending grand ball room banquet is my least favourite evening activity.

However, with the invitation of the church, I was 'lucky' enough in attending a sumptuous banquet dinner last Friday, 9 June 2007 at the Hong Kong Exhibition Centre. The dinner was organized for fund-raising and vision sharing in preparing the Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival . There were more than 150 tables serving 1000 guests. Have to admit that this was probably the most
luxurious dinning place I ever attended in my whole life.

Yet to be fully recovered from the flu and more importantly, that was the third banquet in a row within the same week, I couldn't enjoy it much at its commencement. However, things changed after I met Lord's servants.

During the dinner, I heard the sharing by Rev. Dr. Raymond C. Lee and his wife Priscilla H. Lee. They both grew up in an affluent family and never worry about life. Ever since the establishment of Oasis Development Enterprises in Boston, United States in 1995, the couple have worked successfully in their business. It is therefore hard for me to imagine that they are willing to roll their sleeves and served the under-privileges in Calcutta and Cambodia for more than 10 years !!! It's always easy to talk about loving people from a far distant, and yet living with them is another story. For those who have been to mission trips in the under-developed areas probably know what I mean. To me, they are not only Christians but also Jesus followers. There are lots of Christians in this world but what did Jesus do in his life? He asked us to "go" and Jesus by his role model to live in Lord's words. The philosophy is difficult for most of the people in Hong Kong, the fast-moving materialistic business hub, to comprehend. Let alone these CEOs. The Lees sharing was thus startling.

The dinner moved on after I kept going back and forth between the dinning place and the restroom. The second speaker drew my attention -- her name is familiar but I knew little about her. She is Agnes Cheung (蔣麗萍). She didn't talk much but used her talent (singing) to testify Lord's mercy and love. When someone has Jesus in their lives, the fruit of the spirits are just radiated from all of their expressions. Agnes Cheung used to be a pop Hong Kong singer in the 80s. She still sang but now for a different reason. In this society, we learnt different skills to pretend we learn something or we are someone. For those who truly devoted their lives to Christ, the inner beauty is just far beyond words and transcended any kind of skill.

What a little faith of myself. It's always come to my mind that these celebrities are only having the tag of "Christian". They would still living in the way of lives that they used to be and yet at the same time enjoying the mere title of "a Christian". After meeting Linda Ma of City Renewal and now Rev Raymond Lee and Agnes Cheung
, I think a paradigm shift is needed for how Lord is going to use his servants in sending the good news.

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." (1 Corinthians, 2:9 kjv)

Thank you Lord. You are always beyond one's imagination. We thought you will only use those missionaries. Sorry Lord, we are too narrowed sight. Open the eyes of our heart and let us always see your will and heart.

Thank you for sharing with us how you changed life and more importantly use these lives. They are humbles and willing to lift up all the praises back to your glory. Thank you Lord for loving us, and the people in Hong Kong.

Other link :

"There is a missionary in the sky. Amen" in Daily News and Analysis (DNA), retrieved on 11 June 2007

1 comment:

Jesus' Gal said...

Tonight is the first night of Franklin Graham Festival in Hong Kong!!
May God and the Holy Spirit Bless and bless and touch the people there!!!!!!!
It is about to start now!!!!!!