Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New Chapter, one after another, in Lord

To start and to have a commencement of a new chapter, Lord, I am ready.

On my way back home near midnight, my heart was full of praises. When you have Lord in your life, things are no longer the same. Still remember in the last prayer meeting at Mongkok United Prayer Altar of Hong Kong Christian Churches, the encounter with Lord was magnificent. Words of prayers were just come out of the mouth while I believe my facial expression would probably like the kids receiving kisses in their bedsides --- “God, you are not only a God, you are an awesome God……… you are a great God!” That interaction transcends any human understandings and by no way the thought could comprehend. Love. It is Love.

I love my brothers and sisters in church and the cell group. They are just like my family members. Throughout these years, we walk through lots of ups and downs. Bitter past is never easy and yet we are not walk alone. Seeing that they are all started to run in Lord's race for the qualities of Jesus, the joy overflowed.

Thank you Jesus for giving us new life and accompany to grow in you.

p.s. The Song of "Hi Ne Ni" (meaning "sent me" in Hebrew) lingered my mind recently.

Lord is doing new thing in my life.

Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
Will you say to the Lord, ""Here am I. Send me!"?

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