Friday, September 28, 2007

Lord uses the weak

Still remember the following song :

Give thanks with a grateful heart .
Give thanks to the Holy One .
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His son.

Give thanks with a grateful heart .
Give thanks to the Holy One .
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His son.

And now . Let the weak say “ I am strong”, let the poor say “ I am rich”, because of what the Lord has done for us. And now . Let the weak say “ I am strong”, let the poor say “ I am rich”, because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks .

Click Here to listen

Yes, I am weak, both in body and in spirit.
Got serious stomaches and also out of no reason an overwhelming attack of depression, all happened in one morning. I had written lots of good things in the previous post here, for this time, I would like to share my weakness. With great model of Disciple Paul, I hope to learn how to boast not in my ability but about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians, 12:9)

他對我說:我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。所以,我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。(林前 12:9)

Yes, I am weak but subconsciously, I act strong. This is particular true when I am working in Office or having meeting. Not that I want to but it's kind of like a build-in system, it just run out automatically. I don't like this aspect of myself and wish Lord to take it away from me.

Finished teaching at 7:30pm tonight. Tired and yet a bit joy -- teaching still give me great satisfaction, in particular seeing the things I shared benefit certain people. Thank you Lord for using me in this way. I hope what they see is not someone called "J. Lee" but someone who has the form of "Jesus Christ" who dearly loves Lingnan and the students here on campus.

I decided to go the the nearby Bible College for the worship at 8:00pm to get re-connection to Lord. I am weak, spiritually, physically and nearly burn-out in the hectic schedule. Days after days, I could imagine the work until the end of weekend. I need rest, for knowing HE is my God. Praise the Lord, I learnt from the Pastor tonight that worship is the core part of Christian life and it's the designation of our life. I then praise and worship and dwelt in HIS presence for the 120 minutes there.

At 10:00pm, getting out of the Chapel, I got three missed calls from a close friend's husband. Both of his wife (my great friend) and their baby were sick. My friend got high-fever and the baby got stomaches. He asked for prayers. Instead of going home direct, I went to visit them. Seeing my friend laying in bed, suffering pain all over her body and with high body temperature, I ached. "What can I do Lord? What can I do Lord?" This was probably the first time I kneed down in the bed and kept praying for another person. With the worship in heart a while ago, my heart simply went onto the worship. I worship softly, touching the forehand of my friend from time to time and holding her hands showing loves and care from Lord. I gradually saw changes.

Lord, thank you for sending me there. I used to be selfish and goal-oriented. Spending an hour for doing nothing significant is never the things I feel comfortable with. However, it was YOU who made me there. It was YOUR love so that I could feel your pain seeing your child suffering from pain. It was YOU who love and care for this family. Thank you Lord, I am weak and yet you let the weak to say they are strong.

Not that what we can, but what YOU can.

Thank you Lord, I love you Lord.

27 September 2007

Photo: Taken at President's Lodge, LU, June 2007

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