Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lord, use the ways you created us to worship you

神 造 萬 物 , 各 按 其 時 成 為 美 好 , 又 將 永 生 安 置 在 世 人 心 裡。(傳道書,3:11a)

Praise the Lord, he is the Lord who made everything beautiful in its time. These of course include Lord's master piece -- human being.

Lord has put College students in my heart for long but I didn't really get the chance to meet the talents in the Academy of Performance Arts (APA) until Monday night, 24 Sept 2007.

There are three functions and a meeting all happened on one evening from 4:30pm on Mon, 24 Sept but unfortunately I only have one body. Through struggled for long, I had no other choice but decided to cancel my trip outside so as to stay on campus for the two functions. However, once I got that the University Aquatic Meet was canceled due to the thunder warning, I immediately liaised with the other functions. OK. The other function wouldn't be started until 10:00pm and I believed I could catch the time to go out to Hong Kong Island by the University shuttle bus at 5:40pm and got back to the campus at around 10:00pm. I know it was kind of rush but I only got 5 minutes to decide.

It was the first Joint-Colleges Prayer Gathering in the academic year of 2007-08. Ever since the beginning of the movement started at HKU in 2004, a group of brothers and sisters who love campuses had been to all the University campuses except three -- City University, Open University and APA. Praise the Lord, here came to APA. I asked Lord : "I had too many functions but too limited sleep, do you still want me to be there? I don't want to be there for myself, but for your kingdom." I dragged my half-death body towards the main entrance for the shuttles bus, 5 minutes after I made the decision. Throughout the 45 minutes ride, I nearly used them all to made relevant phone calls for liaising the function of that evening. I would like to finish everything so that I would turn off the cell phone and focused only in Jesus when worship.

Finally arrived APA at nearly eight. It is an awesome auditorium. When we praised and worship, I could see how beautiful Lord had used the talents of APA students -- those playing piano, Guitar and those had wonderful voices. I could even see people dance following the rhythm of the song. Lord, this was such an amazing picture -- you let me know, we were created on earth for different purposes.

We prayed for various issues, for APA to be transformed and be a place for Lord to use. We also prayed for the blessings be fell upon the different organizations of respective University, in particular the Orientation Camps. Also, we prayed for the broken-hearts, for those who were admitted to elite schools in different parts of the world and yet having an alarming suicidal rate. When it came to the broken-hearts, I could felt myself had waters running out of my eyes and I couldn't help but kneed down. Lord, I lifted up all these broken-hearts to you, healed them and please soften their hearts for having this wonderful seed to be planted and grow.

Lord, I am willing to submit myself for the coming 40 days to pray for the campus revival, pray for change of people's heart and direction of my life, Lord.

Lord, lead us your way.

(I was late for the final function as I only arrived the dorm at around 11:00pm. However, I still wouldn't regretted of going because Lord made me learn how to treasure those things I could be there without any difficulties. Though I felt a bit sad for not being able to be in the evening function and yet, I was learning the balance between hold and let go. Jesus is my great teacher)

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