Tuesday, July 25, 2006

First fasting prayer gathering in Student Dormitory (Hall F) by hostel staff members in Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Dear brothers and sisters:

Praise the Lord! The first fasting prayer was held this afternoon at our hostel. Adela, Hay-ching and myself gathered at the previous English Tutor apartment and prayed the blessings to our hostel, our residents, our tutors, our upcoming teammate from United States, the 6 incoming exchange students from different parts of the world, the 10+ students from Mainland China and of course our Warden and his family members.

It’s exciting as this is such a significant moment for us. Our Hall experienced lots of unfavorable news for the sins our students committed during the last academic year. We first do not understand why all these sins have to be resided our hall and now I understand that Lord uses us. When we first started praying, both Hay-ching and I were touched by how Lord’s grace has fell upon us. There’s used to be only one Christian member (Adela) and now when we looked back, both Hay-ching and I came to Christ. Though Adela has moved out two years ago, we are so glad to have her back to pray with us.

We cried out to Lord and lifted up his name during the prayers. We chose the quarter of the English Tutor simply because we knew that she has suffered lots of spiritual attack during her two years of services at our hall. We deliberately chose the venue wishing Lord uses this place to bless the successor. During the prayer, I envisioned one day, after students moved back to the dormitory, the sounds of prayers covered the noise of Mahjong or the video games. I envisioned that Lord is going to use Hall F as the first strategic place to influence the remaining 5 hostels in Lingnan University here. (up to now, the remaining Wardens and Senior Tutors in other 5 halls are non-believers.)

How grateful to see Lord’s mercy on us when we started praying. May Lord's kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven ! (Matt 6:10)

In Him,

Jenny, Hong Kong
25 July 2006

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