Monday, September 18, 2006

Lord started bringing people together

Lord is really faithful and you would never doubt about prayers when you got reply like mine. Hay-ching and myself started praying for our students and the campus development since Summer. We prayed that Lord will send the right persons to Lingnan and Lord will use them here. While nothing happened in the first few weeks, we still kept on praying. It may at times be disappointing seeing the prayer group starts with two and still ended up with two. But Lord didn't see it the same way. I used to hope prayer gathering or certain kind of fellowship could be maintained in my unit. We did have one or two gatherings last year but that's all. "Everyone is busy" -- thought I still kept my finger crossed for new things but I nearly gave up on that. May be not. Last Monday (12 Sept 06), a colleague of mine came over to my office. Out of a sudden, he said : "Jennifer, don't you think we should start certain kind of prayers in office?" You will never imagine how I was moved by that. Of course! Of course! Lord, you made me nearly burst into thankful tears. How amazing is that.

Things didn't stop there.
A previous student of mine asked me out for dinner on Friday, 15 Sep. I never thought of ending it in a church with gospel movie! This is really a miracle arrangement. (I will write more about this later) This Monday (18 Sept), a previous colleague of mine called and told me that he would like to refer a Christian who worked on campus to me. Lord, this never happen! I can see what Lord is doing -- he is connecting people together. Thank you Lord -- you really know how I felt lonely at times. And.... it didn't stop there. On Tuesday, 19 Sept, the key coordinator of HK Campus Transformation Movement, Valiant Cheung, came to Lingnan in visiting me after he heard what I received from Lord lately. This is what I wrote in the email :

Dear Valiant:

This is Jenny writing from Lingnan University. We first met at the morning prayer meeting at Lingnan last year and then subsequently in other joint Universities prayer gatherings. Lord has transformed me this summer (or I shall say ever since the beginning of
2006) and Jaeson highly recommended me to contact you concerning the campus transformation movement in Hong Kong.

I now started morning prayers at my dorm with another sister for my campus and really would love to see things be changed here. Would there be a chance we can meet up and share? Strangely I kept thinking of HKU lately – there’s the band from Taiwan (Joshua) had their concert on evening at Yuen Long about two weeks ago. During worship, the host told us to ask what Lord has put in our life – to my surprise, I came up with HKU. While at the time I was still struggling this thought, the host said : “You may think this is not possible but Lord can do what he wants you to do.” HKU? “Lord, I just started your work in Lingnan. Whom should be working here for Lingnan’s revival if I leave here?” (Hay-ching will, a voice replied). But Lord, I do not know anyone in HKU! (How about Valiant?) Well, I personally do not think it makes any sense for me leaving Lingnan now but I do not know exactly what this means. Or may be it is simply asked me to make some connections with HKU? Or it is Lord who urged me to get in touch with you as I have already returned from the CTN national gathering for a month now.

Would there be a chance we could meet up and be updated about the latest situations in the HK Campus transformation work? I shall be meeting a Professor at HKU this Thursday afternoon. Would you be in HKU on Thursday? Or if you prefer to talk over the phone, let me know the preferred schedule too.

Looking forward to work with you closely on Lord's kingdom in the University campuses!

In Him,

All these happened within the first month after the new academic year commenced. For those people around me, they of course heard about my passion towards campus transformation. However, all these people are not those I had once shared with. They are all of a sudden appeared.

Lord, your provision is abundant.
18 September 2006 (first draft)
19 October 2006 (final)

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