Monday, February 12, 2007

The Commencement of Purity Movement in Hong Kong

Sun, 11 Feburary 2007

The crticial small is making a significant difference in the purity movement in Hong Kong. It's amazing in seeing more than a thousand of youth gathered at Chartered Garden, the core part of Hong Kong right next to the Legislative Council in making a vow to Lord for purity.

Really praise Lord for making this happen and having supports from youth pastors and lots of others spiritual fathers and mothers connecting the two generations. Throughout the whole gathering in this downtown open plaza, I could feel the holy spirit among us --

When Pastor Jaeson shared his words, I could tell he was filled abudently by Lord. Lord really captivated his heart for speaking about his experience of being so close to be an aborted child. Though I already heard about his testimonial in the UC San Diego gathering last summer, the message is still very powerful. Jaeson reminded us for our identity in Lord -- we are the prince and princess to Lord. Lord loves us and treasures us as the way every father loves his son. Therefore, not only our mind belongs to Lord, our body and everything are from Lord. He also shared with us that far before we had the purity ring here in Hong Kong, he had put on his ring and promised to Lord that he would give his 20s to him. Born and grow up in America, he bravely admitted in the venue that he is still a virgin in this 26th of his life. He promised Lord that he will give the best to his future wife. At the age of 20, he had made the vow of being the bridegroom of Jesus and made Jesus as the only source of pleasure. The prime eight years in 20s would be completely to Lord. It was so encourging !! If we say we have peer pressure in facing temptation, I am sure it's far more difficult among the youth in the States! Lord, you are amazing. I had seen this man talked for a number of times and every time he shared your words, he always filled with your spirit!! Lord, really praise you for all your work in this youth pastor who somehow connected Hong Kong and USA.

Valient Cheung, another youth leader in the Embrace Campus Movement, also shared about the situation of abortion in Hong Kong. Just 6 days ago, he leaded the students from different Universities and Colleges in Hong Kong to pray for Lord's mercy on abortion in Hong Kong at the Joint-Institutions Prayer Gathering. In that Monday night (5 Feb 07), the baby's tears touched the hearts of many College students. We all cried out with all our strengths for these innocent babies whom were killed before they could even make a voice. This afternoon, when Valient talked about the abortion again, heart-breaking sobs were all over the venue. Lord had opened up our heart to feel his heart -- it's bitter and painful. In this CBD of Hong Kong Island, we kneed down, admitted the sins of the city and cried out to Lord for his forgiveness. It shaked my heart as I nearly finished a pack of tissue just for this prayer. Not that I got similiar experience as Jaeson had but I somehow withnessed myself had been a helper in making this happen. Several College students of mine once talked to me about their decisions in giving up the unprepared babies. I didn't stop them and at times even thought it might be good for them so that they could move on their lives. Lord, I pray for your forgiveness -- not only those who gave up the babies but those, like the me, who had once didn't stop the things happened. Lord, we are sorry. We are sorry for what we did at the time we didn't have you in our life.

Lord, we want to give ourselves to you. I prayed with my burning heart for campus purity - particuarly in the University hostels/domorities. These people have to know you and know that what they are doing made them suffered. May your people in every University hostel be willing to stand out for purity -- even among the roommate's request for having their partners staying over. Even when we are too shy or trying to be liberal for this kind of cheating thoughts from Satan, we have to stand firm and proclaim the land that belongs to you ! We proclaim your righteousness and purity in every place where the youth gathered Lord.

Let your glory be here Lord.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi Jennifer. Nice Blog. Will you please post on my guest map. Thank you