Monday, September 17, 2007

Lord's presence in my life

昨天晚上和同事分享時,他提到覺得神很愛我。 其實,打從我放下自己讓神進入我生命後,的確有不少神同在的體驗。開始時我半信半疑,巧合是吧,但我也經歷了很多「巧合」,以下是最近一次。

I was preparing the class for Lecture 2 which is about Personal Learning and Growth last week and recap some of the concepts this afternoon. In the Lecture notes, I used the introduction in the reference book to begin with the lecture :
"________, GRANT ME the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference." Corey & Corey (2006), I never knew I had a choice, 8th ed, 2006 P.5
To leave the first word blank is simply because I would tell students that I put God there. Whether they put any other things, it would be their choices. This note has been revised last year after the release of new edition.

On the other hand, I watched a drama two weeks ago about two men who had met each other for one-fourth of the century and spent the hardest time together. (click here for details)

This afternoon while I was listening the CD received after that drama. Without paying much attention to it, I took out the cover and tried to see what's inside. This is what I got :

Isn't it all because of coincidence? I wonder. These are two completely different parts of my life and now it fits not only in content, but in timing !!! I could read it sometime later, or never. Why only at the time after I read my notes and in particular the notes of Lecture 2?

Lord, you are amazing.

I know you are with me at all times. Thank you Lord. I Love you Lord.

Post-writing notes : I shared the above with my students and one student thought it is from bible and asked me the chapter of it. I am not 100% sure about the source but one thing I am quite sure -- it is not from bible. After searched the information a little bit, I found that the origin of the prayer is unsolved but believed to be related to Reinhold Niebuhr -- "The Serenity Prayer" (1934)

Photo source :

Other website :
The original of the Serenity Prayer :

1 comment:

Unknown said...
