Monday, September 17, 2007

Sharing love for Mid-Autumn Festival with Tuen Mun residents

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約二百人於周日的下午齊集在屯門市中心柏麗廣場16樓我們的基督恩典教會準備為「圓繫有愛」中秋祝福探訪行動。 今次活動有五間教會參與,更難得是遠道而來的同福堂弟兄姊妹不只出力,更是今次所送贈月餅的背後奉獻者。

我們的牧師用掌聲介紹他們時,想不到他們的牧者如是說: 「其實我們要說不好意思才是,神很早已感動我們為屯門、元朗、天水圍祝福,只是我們到現在才有行動。」

Oh Lord, truly praise your blessing for us, for the people in Tuen Mun. Lots of people regarded this is only the place for the poor, the low income group, the new arrivals and particularly for housing the problem families. However, you sent your servants here -- like the way Jesus reach out the poor and the heart-broken.

I paired up with two younger brother (Tim) and sister (Yan-yan) in visiting two families. It was truly a blessing, not only for the one being visited but also for us. No doubt I had once reserved about joining as my timetable seems hectic (and I had been severely lacking of sleep for the whole busy week). However, Lord touched my heart in the worship service on Saturday. Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity in working with you to send out love and blessing to this group of people.

Praise the Lord. I love you Lord.

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